Whether you’re moving across the city or just to the next suburb, moving is a big deal. One of the most important parts of a move is packing up all your household items. Packing up all your belongings must happen before you can actually move and there are many things to consider: Do you hire packers? Or do you handle the packaging yourself? Here are some of the pros and cons to self-packing for a local move.
Pro: It’s Cheaper
The average cost of a local move is not cheap. Doing your own prep means you can save the money you would otherwise spend for a professional crew’s labor and supplies.
Con: You’ll Need Time
Many people often underestimate the amount of things they have accumulated in their homes. So you’re probably not considering just how many things you have packed away in storage. If you decide to hire packers, they show up and get your home packed quickly and efficiently. Getting packed up for a move on your own could take you days, but experienced moving companies can get it done so that your valuables are safely packed and protected from damage.
Pro: Control on Organization
If you prefer to have total control over the organization process then self-packing could be an ideal option. You can decide what goes where and exactly how the items are wrapped or protected. However, keep in mind that it can be easy to lose track of where things end up when you self-pack. If you rely on movers to handle filling up all of your moving boxes, they will also pack according to your specifications. At your new home, the movers will know where each box goes and you could spend less time finding, sorting and placing everything when you get to your new home.
Con: Supplies
If self-packing for a move appeals to you because you think you’ll save money on packing supplies, it might initially. However, professional packers provide their own supplies which are specifically appropriate for the type of items that need to be packed. You will only get charged for what’s actually necessary, saving you from buying unnecessary packing supplies. On the other hand, you could wind up with too few supplies if you go the DIY route, meaning you have to find more. You might also wind up with too many, or you could have odd-sized boxes that don’t really fit what you need to pack. Professionals use materials that can withstand the moving process, including special dish packs and wardrobe boxes.
Pro: Go at Your Own Pace
Packing for a move on your own means you get to decide what goes in each box. You also get to decide what rooms you start with. You can take down your home one closet and drawer at a time. With all the hectic things going on in the rest of the process, having something move a bit slowly can be kind of relaxing.
Con: Liability Is All Yours
If you’re trying to counteract the cost of moving by doing the packing yourself, then there’s not going to be any liability on the movers you use. The transit during a move can be a bumpy ride for your things. Local movers can not be held liable for damage to anything that was self-packed because they don’t know what condition it was in before packing occurred. They’ll get the items from point A to point B but can’t guarantee the boxes’ condition. Using cheap or previously used boxes from grocery stores might mean they collapse, crack or tear under pressure, no matter how well you packed them.
Pro: Friends Can Help
Packing your home to move is a huge undertaking, but while DIY stands for doing-it-yourself, that doesn’t mean doing it alone. Friends and family can all help you divide the labor and get the moving boxes packed. Some will do it out of loyalty, some want to spend a little more time with you before you go, and if you are moving across the city, you could welcome the time to visit.
Con: Packing Things Wrong
Is the guy you only see at poker night the right person to be handling the dishes you inherited from your grandmother? Does anyone in your crew really know how to disassemble furniture? Professional packers don’t just show up and stuff boxes. They will identify what items need special packaging, and they know how to do it right.
Get Help from Professional Movers!
You might start seeing the upside of having professionals pack all your things. Overall, the cons outweigh the pros when it comes to self-packing your belongings for a local move. Compared to the average cost of a local move, it doesn’t add all that much, especially if you shop around for moving companies weeks in advance. If you’re grappling with the cost of moving locally, then be sure to book a reputable mover. The time you save can be used towards handling the million other details, and there’s no substitute for the sheer stress you’ll save.
Mighty Moving is a trusted moving company in Chicago, offering affordable and quality packing services. Our moving crew will ensure your possessions are packed safely, securely and appropriately. Get a free moving quote online or give us a call at 855-699-8999!